How Do Disposable Vapes Work?
Disposable vapes have arisen out of the grey, fringe, or gimmicky realm of the vaping industry to take a prominent role as the new vaping trend. We need to talk about disposable vapes. How do disposable vapes work? What are the advantages and disadvantages of disposable e-cigarettes? Let’s dive deeper into why disposable vape devices are all the rage and why they are considered one of the best nicotine delivery systems today.
What are disposable vapes?
Disposable e-cigarettes, or vapes, are closed system pod vapes that can be disposed of after their use. There is no need to ever replace any part in your vape. Ever. No replacement of wicks, cotton, coils, batteries, juice or e-liquid, no need to even charge the battery! Disposable vapes are simple “unwrap and vape” e-cigarettes that optimise the ease and convenience of vaping while never compromising on flavour or vaping experience.
How do disposable vapes work?
This section might seem anti-climactic at first glance. Many see vape devices as confusing and intimidating at first. In fact, vapers switching to a disposable vape can be surprised at just how easy vaping with a disposable vape truly is.
Most disposable e-cigarettes provide a “draw-fire” mechanism located in the mouth piece. “Draw-fire” tech is a fancy way of saying that all you need to do is inhale on the mouthpiece to fire up the disposable vape. A few of the superior disposable vape models provide both a “draw-fire” mechanism as well as a “fire-button”, which allows you the option of pressing a button to turn the vape on.
Once out of the package, you can vape with your disposable vape just as you would your “normal” vape. Simply puff away until the e-liquid provided is gone. A good disposable vape’s battery life will long outlast the amount of juice provided by the manufacturer.
Simple Disposable Vape Steps
1 Unwrap from package
2 Draw from mouthpiece or use provided button
3 Enjoy the disposable vape flavour of your choice
4 Vape until the e-liquid in pod is gone
5 Dispose of empty vape responsibly
Different types of disposable vaping devices
All disposable vaping devices are not equal. Here is an article that will help you choose the best disposable e-cigarette for you. Most disposable vapes come in the classic vape pen shape and size. This is to maximise ease of use, discreetness, and compactness.
Newer disposable vape pens can come with both the mouthpiece draw system as well as an on/off button. Advanced disposable vapes can come with some surprisingly long battery life. The ALLO 1500 will give vapers up to 1500 puffs. At times one can forget that it’s even a disposable vape at all.
A warning to all. As with all vape products, choose wisely when considering which disposable vape to buy. Buy from a reputable supplier. Purchase from a reputable vape brand. Flavours, draw strengths, battery life, and shape and size all are factors to consider when comparing which disposable e-cigarette to buy. Try several out. Vaping is personal and each will find their preference in disposable vape choice differently. Here is a great place to start searching for your favourite disposable vape.
What is the difference between disposable vapes and disposable pods?
We get this question. A lot. Disposable vapes are a closed vape system that come with all components pre-assembled. The vapes come with everything you need. The mouthpiece, atomizer, e-liquid, and battery come in a closed system that is not meant to be altered or customised. The prebuilt quality of these disposable vapes are the reason they are considered so safe and consistent.
Disposable pods are pre-filled e liquid cartridges that non disposable pod vapes use. Some choose to refill e-liquid pods while others simply plug in new disposable flavour pods. This ensures that the e-liquid being vaped is always of high quality and freshness. Disposable pods have vastly improved in quality as the leaking that was common in the first generation no longer is a concern.
Disposable vapes might be the combination of nicotine and convenience that one needs to quit smoking. Each person will find different vaping solutions in helping quit smoking for good. For some, having a small and handy disposable vape will answer all their nicotine cravings. Others might find that they need a more permanent vaping set up to help wean them off nicotine. The fact that disposable vaping devices exist in such high quality and variety - simply gives vapers looking to quit smoking many more options to choose from.